Resources are loading
The first time you visit CATALYST, the resources CATALYST needs to function may take longer than normal to load. After your browser has these resources, the system should function normally.
- Try waiting a minute to see if the page does eventually load.
Computer time issue
When you sign in to CATALYST, it performs a time check for security compliance. If your browser time is more than 5 minutes different from the server time (adjusted for your time zone), it causes an error and could prevent CATALYST from loading.
- Check your computer's time synchronization settings.
- Sometimes these settings are managed at the organization level by system administrators. If others in your organization are also getting a blank page, ask your IT department to look into their time synchronization.
- For more information:
Browser conflicts
- Is JavaScript turned off or blocked? JavaScript needs to be enabled for CATALYST to function.
- Using Internet Explorer? Because it is no longer supported by Microsoft, we cannot support it in CATALYST. Please use Microsoft Edge or another browser.
- Using a mobile device such as a tablet or phone? At this time, CATALYST does not support mobile browsers. Switch to using a laptop or desktop computer.
- Using web browser extensions? Extensions such as password vaults, ad-blockers, antivirus/anti-malware software, anonymous browsing tools, or privacy/security suites, can sometimes conflict with site functions. Try turning off your web browser extensions, or use a different browser (like Chrome instead of Firefox, etc.)
Network security measures
If you get a network error, or CATALYST does not appear at all, your web browser or network security might be preventing CATALYST from loading.
- Are you connected to a VPN? Try disconnecting from the VPN and browse to CATALYST through your regular connection.
- Does your organization have strict network security policies? Some strict network security policies may block important components of CATALYST, or the website entirely. Contact your IT department (or ITIL) and have them investigate the problem. If they are unable to do so, try using a computer on a different network (if you are at your office or school, try a home computer, or vice versa).
None of the above suggestions apply
- Visit our Common Reasons for CATALYST Issues page to help you troubleshoot other possible conflicts.
Contacting Technical Support
To help us diagnose the problem, you can use Google Chrome to see what part of CATALYST is being blocked.
- Open Google Chrome
- Go to the step of signing in to CATALYST where you are seeing the error
- Tap the F12 key (on Mac this is Command-Option-i)
- Click the Network tab (or word Network)
- Look for anything in red that is being blocked, and let us know the Name of what items are blocked.
- A screenshot of the error messages can give us more details.
If this isn't something you feel comfortable doing, if you are working from an office computer, your IT staff person can follow these steps and report their findings back to us, as well as look into unblocking those pieces.